Tuesday, September 11, 2012

15 Weeks

How far along? 15 weeks

How big is baby? Size of an orange. About 4 inches long and weighs 2.5 oz

Physical differences from last week? Feeling like I am actually looking pregnant instead of just like I ate too much for lunch. Starting to get 'the look' from strangers where I can tell they are thinking it but don't want to ask yet.

Total weight gain/loss? 0 lbs this week and +2 lbs overall. Really surprised at this, hope I continue this steady climb and not gain as much as I did the first time :/

How I'm feeling? Seem to be feeling better as each week goes by. A little more energy and a little less 'blah' feeling.

What's been on my mind? Pretty positive I have been feeling baby boy moving around a little bit, it's exciting to feel it since I've been waiting for it and looking forward to it since I found out I was pregnant :)

What I'm looking forward to? Looking forward to feeling those stronger kicks and movements as he gets bigger!

Best moment this past week? Feeling baby boy moving around! It's reassuring to feel that he is getting bigger and stronger as each week goes by.


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