How far along? 31 weeks! It's going by so fast, 9 weeks to go!
How big is baby? Size of a head of lettuce. About 19 inches long and weighs almost 4 pounds
differences from last week? Baby boy's moving around is definitely getting a little uncomfortable now that he is getting bigger.
Total weight gain/loss? up to about +25 lbs overall. Hoping to slow this down now that the holidays are over.
I'm feeling? Less stressed and more able to relax now that I've had some time off of work to get stuff done at the house.
been on my mind? Just trying to relax a bit before going back to work on Thursday. I know now we are in the final stretches of getting everything ready!
I'm looking forward to? The countdown to baby boy's arrival is officially in single digit weeks!
moment this past week? Setting up the crib and seeing baby's room almost complete! It looks so cute and I can't wait to start using that room regularly!
Also getting to see baby on the ultrasound in 3D. It was so amazing to see the dimple in his chin and seeing him stick out his tongue and smile at us!
Monday, December 31, 2012
27 Weeks! Third Trimester!
I'm so bad at keeping this up! Hopefully will be better at it since we are now moved into the house and I have a little less going on :)
How far along? 27 weeks! Yay 3rd Trimester! 2/3 of the way there :)
How big is baby? Size of an eggplant. About 16 inches long and weighs just over 2 pounds
Physical differences from last week? Definitely feeling larger. He is kicking a lot now and with much more force. Starting to kick me in the ribs and bladder, which is not such a pleasant feeling.
Total weight gain/loss? +15 lbs overall.
How I'm feeling? Sleeping strictly on your sides sucks. My hips are pretty sore most mornings. Other than that still feeling pretty good. Work has been getting a little stressful but I'm just looking forward to my 2 week break coming up in a couple weeks.
What's been on my mind? I found out at my doctors appointment today that I had elevated levels on my glucose test so I have to go in for the 3 hour one :( So not looking forward to sitting in that waiting room for 3 hours.
What I'm looking forward to? Christmas and winter break off of school, setting up baby's room, and counting down the days until he is here with us!
Best moment this past week? Moving into the house and feeling more settled and ready now that we have more room to get ready to be a family of 4!
How far along? 27 weeks! Yay 3rd Trimester! 2/3 of the way there :)
How big is baby? Size of an eggplant. About 16 inches long and weighs just over 2 pounds
Physical differences from last week? Definitely feeling larger. He is kicking a lot now and with much more force. Starting to kick me in the ribs and bladder, which is not such a pleasant feeling.
Total weight gain/loss? +15 lbs overall.
How I'm feeling? Sleeping strictly on your sides sucks. My hips are pretty sore most mornings. Other than that still feeling pretty good. Work has been getting a little stressful but I'm just looking forward to my 2 week break coming up in a couple weeks.
What's been on my mind? I found out at my doctors appointment today that I had elevated levels on my glucose test so I have to go in for the 3 hour one :( So not looking forward to sitting in that waiting room for 3 hours.
What I'm looking forward to? Christmas and winter break off of school, setting up baby's room, and counting down the days until he is here with us!
Best moment this past week? Moving into the house and feeling more settled and ready now that we have more room to get ready to be a family of 4!
Monday, October 15, 2012
20 Weeks! Half way there!
How far along? 20 weeks!
How big is baby? Size of a large banana. About 7 inches long and weighs 11 oz
Physical differences from last week? I've been able to feel where baby boy's head and/or bottom is from the outside as he'll be huddled so much to my side that it sticks out and is hard to the touch. Also am continuing to feel more and more movement.
Total weight gain/loss? 4 lbs over the last 3 weeks and +7 lbs overall.
How I'm feeling? Sleeping is getting a little more uncomfortable as the weeks go by. Other than that still feeling pretty good. Hoping I'll have some energy to get stuff done during my break this week.
What's been on my mind? Picking out paint and themes for Brooklyn's and baby boy's room in the new house! Only about 4 more weeks until the house is ours and we can paint before we move in.
What I'm looking forward to? Moving in to our house and getting ready for the holidays! Thinking about it just puts a smile on my face and makes me anxious for it to happen already!
Best moment this past week? Seeing lil man more in detail during the anatomy scan. Saw all his little fingers and toes and everything in between.
How big is baby? Size of a large banana. About 7 inches long and weighs 11 oz
Physical differences from last week? I've been able to feel where baby boy's head and/or bottom is from the outside as he'll be huddled so much to my side that it sticks out and is hard to the touch. Also am continuing to feel more and more movement.
Total weight gain/loss? 4 lbs over the last 3 weeks and +7 lbs overall.
How I'm feeling? Sleeping is getting a little more uncomfortable as the weeks go by. Other than that still feeling pretty good. Hoping I'll have some energy to get stuff done during my break this week.
What's been on my mind? Picking out paint and themes for Brooklyn's and baby boy's room in the new house! Only about 4 more weeks until the house is ours and we can paint before we move in.
What I'm looking forward to? Moving in to our house and getting ready for the holidays! Thinking about it just puts a smile on my face and makes me anxious for it to happen already!
Best moment this past week? Seeing lil man more in detail during the anatomy scan. Saw all his little fingers and toes and everything in between.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
17 Weeks
How far along? 17 weeks
How big is baby? Size of a turnip. About 5 inches long and weighs 5 oz
Physical differences from last week? I guess I am looking a little bit bigger as I had my first 2 strangers ask me if I was pregnant a few days ago and coworkers who know telling me I am showing more.
Total weight gain/loss? 1 lbs this week and +3 lbs overall.
How I'm feeling? Still feeling pretty good. My back is starting to hurt a little bit at times though :(
What's been on my mind? Starting the nursery! All I can do is virtual shopping for things until we move and have an extra room though :(
What I'm looking forward to? Buying a house so baby boy will have a room to shop for and decorate!
Best moment this past week? Feeling baby boy moving around! Love the little flutters
How big is baby? Size of a turnip. About 5 inches long and weighs 5 oz
Physical differences from last week? I guess I am looking a little bit bigger as I had my first 2 strangers ask me if I was pregnant a few days ago and coworkers who know telling me I am showing more.
Total weight gain/loss? 1 lbs this week and +3 lbs overall.
How I'm feeling? Still feeling pretty good. My back is starting to hurt a little bit at times though :(
What's been on my mind? Starting the nursery! All I can do is virtual shopping for things until we move and have an extra room though :(
What I'm looking forward to? Buying a house so baby boy will have a room to shop for and decorate!
Best moment this past week? Feeling baby boy moving around! Love the little flutters
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
15 Weeks
How far along? 15 weeks
How big is baby? Size of an orange. About 4 inches long and weighs 2.5 oz
Physical differences from last week? Feeling like I am actually looking pregnant instead of just like I ate too much for lunch. Starting to get 'the look' from strangers where I can tell they are thinking it but don't want to ask yet.
Total weight gain/loss? 0 lbs this week and +2 lbs overall. Really surprised at this, hope I continue this steady climb and not gain as much as I did the first time :/
How I'm feeling? Seem to be feeling better as each week goes by. A little more energy and a little less 'blah' feeling.
What's been on my mind? Pretty positive I have been feeling baby boy moving around a little bit, it's exciting to feel it since I've been waiting for it and looking forward to it since I found out I was pregnant :)
What I'm looking forward to? Looking forward to feeling those stronger kicks and movements as he gets bigger!
Best moment this past week? Feeling baby boy moving around! It's reassuring to feel that he is getting bigger and stronger as each week goes by.
How big is baby? Size of an orange. About 4 inches long and weighs 2.5 oz
Physical differences from last week? Feeling like I am actually looking pregnant instead of just like I ate too much for lunch. Starting to get 'the look' from strangers where I can tell they are thinking it but don't want to ask yet.
Total weight gain/loss? 0 lbs this week and +2 lbs overall. Really surprised at this, hope I continue this steady climb and not gain as much as I did the first time :/
How I'm feeling? Seem to be feeling better as each week goes by. A little more energy and a little less 'blah' feeling.
What's been on my mind? Pretty positive I have been feeling baby boy moving around a little bit, it's exciting to feel it since I've been waiting for it and looking forward to it since I found out I was pregnant :)
What I'm looking forward to? Looking forward to feeling those stronger kicks and movements as he gets bigger!
Best moment this past week? Feeling baby boy moving around! It's reassuring to feel that he is getting bigger and stronger as each week goes by.
Monday, September 10, 2012
14 Weeks and It's a BOY!
How far along? 14 weeks
How big is baby? Size of a lemon. About 3.5 inches and 1.5 oz
Physical differences from last week? No differences really. Definitely feeling pregnant but haven't felt like I've gotten too much bigger.
Total weight gain/loss? 0 lbs this week and +2 lbs overall
How I'm feeling? Pretty good. Been falling asleep really early but its getting a little easier to get up in the morning and I am getting more done at work during the day.
What's been on my mind? ITS A BOYYYY!!!! I was so excited to see my little boy on the ultrasound screen and so glad that the tech was able to find out so early! She said he was absolutely, positively, no doubts about it, a boy!
What I'm looking forward to? Shopping and decorating! Can't wait until we move so I can start to put the nursery together. I have already been finding things on pinterest and can't wait to start some crafts.
Best moment this past week? Found out that my baby boy is a boy!! So excited to experience my little man as he grows inside me :)
How big is baby? Size of a lemon. About 3.5 inches and 1.5 oz
Physical differences from last week? No differences really. Definitely feeling pregnant but haven't felt like I've gotten too much bigger.
Total weight gain/loss? 0 lbs this week and +2 lbs overall
How I'm feeling? Pretty good. Been falling asleep really early but its getting a little easier to get up in the morning and I am getting more done at work during the day.
What's been on my mind? ITS A BOYYYY!!!! I was so excited to see my little boy on the ultrasound screen and so glad that the tech was able to find out so early! She said he was absolutely, positively, no doubts about it, a boy!
What I'm looking forward to? Shopping and decorating! Can't wait until we move so I can start to put the nursery together. I have already been finding things on pinterest and can't wait to start some crafts.
Best moment this past week? Found out that my baby boy is a boy!! So excited to experience my little man as he grows inside me :)
Thursday, August 30, 2012
13 Weeks, Hello 2nd Trimester!
How far along? 13 weeks. Yay 2nd Trimester!!!
How big is baby? Size of a lemon. Approx. 3 inches long and weights 1.5 oz.
Physical differences from last week? Definitely feeling a bit bigger this week.
Total weight gain/loss? +2 pounds this week and overall
How I'm feeling? Pretty good, definitely noticing that I'm getting a bigger appetite.
What's been on my mind? Made an appointment for this next Monday for an ultrasound to hopefully find out if baby is a he or she!!! I'm really worrying the little one won't cooperate and show us but I'm hoping for the best!
What I'm looking forward to? Feeling baby moving around and finding out gender so I can start shopping!
Best moment this past week? Finding clothes that aren't so awkward to fit in! I did a little shopping to find work clothes that are comfortable and should hopefully continue to fit for awhile.
How big is baby? Size of a lemon. Approx. 3 inches long and weights 1.5 oz.
Physical differences from last week? Definitely feeling a bit bigger this week.
Total weight gain/loss? +2 pounds this week and overall
How I'm feeling? Pretty good, definitely noticing that I'm getting a bigger appetite.
What's been on my mind? Made an appointment for this next Monday for an ultrasound to hopefully find out if baby is a he or she!!! I'm really worrying the little one won't cooperate and show us but I'm hoping for the best!
What I'm looking forward to? Feeling baby moving around and finding out gender so I can start shopping!
Best moment this past week? Finding clothes that aren't so awkward to fit in! I did a little shopping to find work clothes that are comfortable and should hopefully continue to fit for awhile.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
12 Weeks
How far along? 12 weeks
How big is baby? Size of a peach. Approx. 3 inches long.
Physical differences from last week? Definitely feeling a bit bigger this week.
Total weight gain/loss?
How I'm feeling? Better than I have in a few weeks. Starting to feel a little less tired at the end of the day.
What's been on my mind? Only 2 more weeks until we can (hopefully!) find out if Brooklyn will be having a little brother or a little sister!
What I'm looking forward to? Having even more energy and feeling baby moving around. Finding out gender so I can start shopping!
Best moment this past week? Seeing baby on the ultrasound at my appointment again! This was the first ultrasound where baby was actually moving around a lot. The ultrasound tech was trying to get baby to move around by pushing on my stomach and every time she did baby would kick and swing its arms around, it was really cute :)
How big is baby? Size of a peach. Approx. 3 inches long.
Physical differences from last week? Definitely feeling a bit bigger this week.
Total weight gain/loss?
How I'm feeling? Better than I have in a few weeks. Starting to feel a little less tired at the end of the day.
What's been on my mind? Only 2 more weeks until we can (hopefully!) find out if Brooklyn will be having a little brother or a little sister!
What I'm looking forward to? Having even more energy and feeling baby moving around. Finding out gender so I can start shopping!
Best moment this past week? Seeing baby on the ultrasound at my appointment again! This was the first ultrasound where baby was actually moving around a lot. The ultrasound tech was trying to get baby to move around by pushing on my stomach and every time she did baby would kick and swing its arms around, it was really cute :)
Saturday, August 18, 2012
11 Weeks
How big is baby? Size of a small plum. Approx. 2.5 inches long and weighs 1/2 oz
Physical differences from last week? Most pants are becoming increasingly less comfortable. If I already feel so big I can't imagine how big I'll get towards the end.
Total weight gain/loss? At my appointment on Wednesday I actually weighed in at less than I did at my appointment 4 weeks ago! Was pretty excited about that, even though I feel huge already.
How I'm feeling? Pretty good. Still tired a lot of the time. Looking forward to the 2nd trimester energy that everyone talks about :)
What's been on my mind? Getting more excited as the time goes on to find out if Brooklyn will have a little brother or sister! Just a few more weeks until we can find out.
What I'm looking forward to? Having more energy, feeling baby move, finding out the gender
Best moment this past week? Seeing baby on the ultrasound at my appointment Wednesday! Always happy to see that healthy heartbeat and see baby growing.
You can see it's head on the right side with a little arm sticking up right underneath and the little legs on the left side.
Ignore the weird shadow in front of my belly, apparently my husband hasn't quite mastered taking pictures :p
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
10 Weeks
Finally starting this! I've been meaning to the last 3 weeks but I kept forgetting to get the husband to take pictures.
How far along? 10 weeks
How big is baby? Size of a lime. Approx. 2 inches long and weighs 0.3 oz
Physical differences from last week? Definitely couldn't button my pants this week, so I had to start using the belly band. Also most of the nausea has gone away.
Total weight gain/loss? I haven't weighed the last few weeks but I am about 2 lbs up from pre-pregnancy weight.
How I'm feeling? Pretty good. Very tired at night though. I can barely make it til 9, which is Brooklyn's bed time.
What's been on my mind? So excited for how our lives are going to change in the next 6-7 months!
What I'm looking forward to? Having more energy, feeling baby move, finding out the gender
Best moment this past week? I think I might be feeling a little bit of movement! Not enough to where I'm sure thats what it is, but its exciting to think about!
Excuse my very tired looking face. This was after having 34 4th graders the first 2 days of school!
How far along? 10 weeks
How big is baby? Size of a lime. Approx. 2 inches long and weighs 0.3 oz
Physical differences from last week? Definitely couldn't button my pants this week, so I had to start using the belly band. Also most of the nausea has gone away.
Total weight gain/loss? I haven't weighed the last few weeks but I am about 2 lbs up from pre-pregnancy weight.
How I'm feeling? Pretty good. Very tired at night though. I can barely make it til 9, which is Brooklyn's bed time.
What's been on my mind? So excited for how our lives are going to change in the next 6-7 months!
What I'm looking forward to? Having more energy, feeling baby move, finding out the gender
Best moment this past week? I think I might be feeling a little bit of movement! Not enough to where I'm sure thats what it is, but its exciting to think about!
Excuse my very tired looking face. This was after having 34 4th graders the first 2 days of school!
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Dear Baby E
Originally written 6/26/12
Dear Baby E,
I can't tell you how incredibly happy and excited I was when I saw those 2 little pink lines. It has only been 2 days since I knew you were coming, yet I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. Your big sister is so excited you're coming. I can't wait for you to meet her. Daddy is also excited for you to come, I can tell by how much he is already worried about you and planning for our life after you come as a family of 4 :)
I can't wait to enjoy you in our lives, while you're an inside baby and out. Just know that you are extremely loved already by everyone who will be a part of your life.
Dear Baby E,
I can't tell you how incredibly happy and excited I was when I saw those 2 little pink lines. It has only been 2 days since I knew you were coming, yet I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. Your big sister is so excited you're coming. I can't wait for you to meet her. Daddy is also excited for you to come, I can tell by how much he is already worried about you and planning for our life after you come as a family of 4 :)
I can't wait to enjoy you in our lives, while you're an inside baby and out. Just know that you are extremely loved already by everyone who will be a part of your life.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
The Love in My Life
I figured Valentine's Day would be a good day to talk about the love in my life.
Meet the most wonderful husband I could ask for, B.

B and I met a little more than 4 years ago. The funny thing is when we first met and worked together there was absolutely no chemistry. At the time, we were both dating other people. Fast forward down the road a few months, we were both single and I was transferring to another store. At this time, I had come back into the store he was at to pick something up that corporate sent to the wrong store. If it wasn't for that mistake, I'm not sure we would be where we are today. That day we talked for awhile and he ended up asking me if I wanted to go to a movie with him that weekend. We saw a movie and talked in the car in the middle of the desert ridge parking lot until 2am. After that, the rest was history. Now we are a happy family with a beautiful baby girl.

B works so hard to support our family while I am finishing school and raising our daughter. He has always been so supportive of me and everything that I do. I know that he is behind me 100% in every decision I make. I couldn't ask for a better partner in life. I can't wait to see what life brings us along the way :)

"Well maybe I'm just lucky
But maybe that's OK
Some people search the whole world over
Just to find a love, that's even half as true
As the love I've found in you"
Lovin' me some Lady Antebellum lately :)
Meet the most wonderful husband I could ask for, B.
B and I met a little more than 4 years ago. The funny thing is when we first met and worked together there was absolutely no chemistry. At the time, we were both dating other people. Fast forward down the road a few months, we were both single and I was transferring to another store. At this time, I had come back into the store he was at to pick something up that corporate sent to the wrong store. If it wasn't for that mistake, I'm not sure we would be where we are today. That day we talked for awhile and he ended up asking me if I wanted to go to a movie with him that weekend. We saw a movie and talked in the car in the middle of the desert ridge parking lot until 2am. After that, the rest was history. Now we are a happy family with a beautiful baby girl.

B works so hard to support our family while I am finishing school and raising our daughter. He has always been so supportive of me and everything that I do. I know that he is behind me 100% in every decision I make. I couldn't ask for a better partner in life. I can't wait to see what life brings us along the way :)
"Well maybe I'm just lucky
But maybe that's OK
Some people search the whole world over
Just to find a love, that's even half as true
As the love I've found in you"
Lovin' me some Lady Antebellum lately :)
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Blessed. And a wish.
So a few weeks ago I started my last semester of school, which is student teaching. I am in a 3rd grade classroom with 27 students, Monday through Friday, all day, everyday. It has been an adjustment, but one that I've gotten used to quite quickly. There has been a lot of new feelings for me in the last few weeks with this starting, anxiety, nervousness, excitement. But another feeling that I wasn't quite prepared for to feel so strongly is the feeling of being so incredibly blessed. I am going to school and working in a district in a very high-needs area. More than half the schools in the district are Title I schools (for those that don't know those are schools where more than half of the student population qualifies for free or reduced breakfast and lunch). I can not even count how many stories I've heard in the last few weeks of elementary school students who have gone through harder things in their life already than most adults go through. These are students who have lost a parent(or even both), have been abused by a family member, have been taken away from their parents by CPS for neglect, who have been exposed to drugs and crime. I could go on and on. I see these same students who against the odds try their very best at everything they do in the classroom, trust other caring adults, and thrive in situations that are less than ideal. These kids are inspirations.
Even while seeing the best in these children, I can't help but think of my own daughter and family. I can't help but feel so incredibly BLESSED for everything that I have in life. I have a roof over my head, food on the table, and love and support surrounding me in any direction I look. I am so lucky to have all that I do.
I just wish that every child can feel the way that I did as a kid. I wish that every child had 2 parents that love and care and support them in everything they go through. I wish that no child ever had to know what it feels like to starve, be homeless, be abused, or be neglected. I wish that every child had a person that made them feel safe, that they could talk to and trust with their secrets.
I want to be that person for my students. I want to be their wish.
Even while seeing the best in these children, I can't help but think of my own daughter and family. I can't help but feel so incredibly BLESSED for everything that I have in life. I have a roof over my head, food on the table, and love and support surrounding me in any direction I look. I am so lucky to have all that I do.
I just wish that every child can feel the way that I did as a kid. I wish that every child had 2 parents that love and care and support them in everything they go through. I wish that no child ever had to know what it feels like to starve, be homeless, be abused, or be neglected. I wish that every child had a person that made them feel safe, that they could talk to and trust with their secrets.
I want to be that person for my students. I want to be their wish.
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