Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Gavin is 3 Months!

Gavin is 3 months old! I can hardly believe this time has passed by so fast. 

At 3 months you are:

Such an easy going baby. I still can't believe how lucky I am to be your mom. You can spend an hour straight just laying on the bed next to me looking around and cooing.

A super smiley baby! All mommy and daddy have to do is look at you and you smile. The ceiling fan is your favorite thing to look at. Followed closely by hanging toys, which you are just starting to get the hang of touching on purpose. I see more and more eye-hand coordination almost every day.

Loving 'talking'. You will just sit there and talk and scream but be super happy for hours. Sometimes I can't tell if the screams are sad or happy ones.

An amazing sleeper (at night, naps are a different story)! I don't know how I got so lucky having 2 great sleepers. You sleep between 6 and 8 hours at your first stretch then eat and go back to sleep for another 2-3 hours.

Mine and your sister's little buddy! You love hanging out with us so much all day that you barely want to nap. You'll lay on the bed totally content and watch tv with us, you'll sit in the bumbo in the kitchen with us when we eat, you just love to be at our sides.